How might design be used to deepen our connection to nature?

“Two Sides of the Story” – Designing for Multiple Perspectives

The structure of this book reflects how eating or not eating meat is a decision with both personal and broad environmental implications. My personal voice (in the form of a memoir told by my younger self) is encapsulated by a small, vintage-style children’s book that is contained within the larger framework. This children’s book style is accentuated by the usage of a Humanist typeface, authentic children’s illustrations, and a yellow linen paper that is tactile and intimate. The other voice, describing the catastrophic environmental impacts of eating meat and dairy, is contained within the larger book and utilizes bolder type and found photographs. The personal and the global intersect on the outer pages of the small book, which when flipped reveal layered images and additional quotes from the large book article. These intersections demonstrate how my personal story relates to complex questions around environmental issues.

Read the full manuscript for my personal story here.

Read the full article used in this book here.

Zines & Art Journals

Personal and highly informal expressions of self and nature

Common Ground

Art journal from Arts and Social Change in Czechia

Sunrise Manifesto

Zine reflecting on values in climate action and experiences with the Sunrise Movement